Read About Wooden Bird Houses

Wooden bird houses are one of many great ways to get your neighborhood birds to spend some time in your backyard.

Wooden bird houses are great for everyone involved

Wooden bird houses are great for birds and the people who watch them. They’re good for birds because they give the birds a secure place to live. They’re good for humans because they allow us to watch animals that tend to stray away from us.

To make your wooden bird houses as bird friendly as possible, make sure to hang them in an area that is protected from predators. Sometimes this means placing the wooden bird cages on a post in the middle of the yard or in an area that’s guarded by trees, but isn’t so close to the trees that a cat could get to the house. Make sure the post isn’t made of wood because cats can scale wooden posts. A better idea would be to cover the post in tubing or other material that is too slippery for cats or squirrels to access.

What else can I do to attract birds to my yard?

Wooden bird houses are just one fantastic way of getting birds into your backyard, but there are many other effective ways of attracting the little guys to your environment. Like all animals, birds like to know that they have a consistent source of food and water. This is especially important for birds that do not migrate in the winter because when the winter months roll around they lose out on food and water sources. Where they used to find berries, they find twigs and where they used to find water they find ice.

To keep the birds happy and full, put a bird feeder in the area near your wooden bird houses. When you do this, make sure to get a feeder that is suitable to the birds that will likely be living in your wooden bird houses. You don’t want to have a wooden bird house that’s meant for cardinals and a feeder that’s meant to feed hummingbirds!

Next, put a bird bath in your backyard. The bird bath doesn’t necessarily need to be near your wooden bird houses because many birds, including the birds in your wooden bird houses, will use the bath. You actually should place the bird bath away from the wooden bird houses because it will prevent other birds from invading the wooden bird houses.