Read About Bad Dogs


  1. Problem Definition:

    ImageBad dog is a very wide term. There are several reasons why you would call a dog bad. The dog might be disobediant, reluctant to housebreak, dig up the yard up, or bark its head off and the reasons could simply go on. The problem is serious when the behavior becomes consistent.
  2. Underlying Reasons:

    Any behavioral problem in a dog could be due to maladjustment, new changes in family like introduction of another pet, illness in dog or simply lack of proper training or socialization.
  3. Why it is a Problem:

    Repeated 'bad' behavior of the dog will cause discomfort, stress or embarrassment for the family. This can be prevented by early diagnosis and remedial action.
  4. Consequences:

    Depending on the actual problem of your pet, the consequences could be bad to severe. Behavior like digging may only cause some discomfort. But problems like refusing to housebreak, chewing or destructive behavior can lead to serious consequences and trouble in family.
  5. The Cure:

    The best cure can be effected by diagnosing the behavior and getting to the cause. Outward signs could actually point to something serious within.

Bad Dogs - How To Investigate

  1. Physical Surroundings:

    Changes in surroundings will often cause problems that can be easily corrected by simple adjustments. Lack of water supply, too much noise, crowd, etc could be the causes.
  2. Environmental Factors:

    Other factors could be change in weather, tempting outdoor activity while the dog is confined inside, boredom, etc.
  3. Emotional Causes:

    Emotional reasons can be lack of attention, jealousy over new pet, stress, etc.

Bad Dogs - What to do

Practical Changes - depending on the problems try to introduce these new changes:
  1. Move the pet to another place
  2. Try to take your pet outdoors more often
  3. Try to socialize him with the new pet
  4. Change the training methods
  5. Spend more time with him
  • Professional Advice:

    Consult a pet expert/trainer or the breeder you purchased the pet from and take his advice. They know more about pets and can usually pinpoint the cause and give a solution.
  • Medical Advice:

    Some problems are caused due to illness. Take your dog to the vet and have him examined thoroughly. Explain the problem in detail to the vet.
  • Helpful Supplies:

    Try to distract your dog and occupy him with toys, etc. Problems like chewing and digging are easily solved this way.
  • Bad Dogs -Tips

    1. Break Bad Habits:

      Habits take time to break but be patient and consistent.
    2. ImageCreate Good Habits:

      Rewarding him for good behavior will usually do the trick.
    3. Owner Training:

      Study your dog and try to ascertain the problem. Spending time with your pet will usually reveal the causes.
    4. Owner Investment:

      It takes time, patience, effort and probably some money to cure your pet of bad behavior. But in the end you might never call him a bad dog again.