Read About Calming Dog Collar

ImageCalming Dog Collars can help reduce your dog's anxious barking. Here's everything you need to know about this training product.

Calming Dog Collars and How They Work

Barking is normal dog behavior. Dogs bark for many reasons and it may be difficult to eliminate the reasons why your dog barks, especially when you're away from home. One of the most gentle and effective ways to get your dog to stop barking is with a Calming Dog Collar. Unlike static charge, spray or ultrasonic collars, which work by emitting painful or annoying responses to barking, Calming Dog Collars work by distracting your dog with soothing melodies.

Many dogs bark simply because they're bored. Dogs were born and bred to work, and their cushy modern lifestyles often result in excess energy and too little interesting stimuli. Fortunately, modern life has also produced some handy-yet-humane technology to help alleviate annoying barking and get you back into favor with your neighbors.

Soothe Your Dog with Music

A Calming Dog Collar is programmed to play soothing music that your dog can hear but you cannot each time it detects barking. The music distracts the dog from whatever was encouraging it to bark and soothes and calms any anxiety the dog may be experiencing, producing a doggie version of peace and tranquility.

ImageA Calming Dog Collar is programmed to play scientifically engineered music specifically developed for canines. It will play the music for longer periods of time in the beginning of training. After a week or so, the music is played less and less as your dog becomes calmer. If the problem barking returns, you can reset the unit to start over with more frequent music playing. Calming Dog Collars emit gentle sounds that will not harm your dog's hearing in any way and they are completely safe and undetectable to humans.

Is a Calming Dog Collar Right For Your Pet?

If your nuisance barker is also prone to anxiety, a Calming Dog Collar is probably a better choice than other bark-deterring devices, which may increase her anxiety. Calming Dog Collars can be purchased at pet shops and are easily found online. They are a small investment that can result in big returns in reducing annoying barking.

Before using any dog barking elimination device, it's wise to try to discover why your dog is barking. A trip to the veterinarian can rule out any treatable medical causes of the excessive barking. Your dog may also benefit from more exercise, walks and playtime with you, more space to run or better outdoor shelter. Making sure your pet is happy and healthy will assist the Calming Dog Collar in eliminating problem barking.