Read About Puggle Puppies

You can get Puggle puppies by mating a female Beagle with a male Pug - hence the name Puggle. These dogs are very good tempered and loving. They are perfect for a household with small children. They don't yip or bark a lot and are not expensive to maintain. ImageYou will find that puppies in this dog breed are friendly and playful, as well as loyal companions to their owners.

When you are training Puggle puppies, you have to watch the tone of voice that you use. This makes it very easy to train them using positive reinforcement and praise them a lot when they do something right. If you get the puppy used to the tone of voice you use when you are pleased and a different tone of voice for when they do something wrong, they can easily pick up on the different sounds. They love to play outdoors, but like all puppies, they will wander away. You need to make sure you have the puppy on a leash when you are walking it and to have it in a secure fenced area if you leave it outdoors on its own.

Puggle puppies are expensive simply because they have to be specially bred. Breeders do need to have a purebred Beagle and a purebred Pug in order to produce one of these puppies. Since you still have to order them, you may have to go on a waiting list because breeders only breed their dogs at certain times. This is because they have to protect the health of the Beagle by not breeding her too often. Although Puggles cannot be considered purebred dogs, they are considered designer dogs, much like Shorkies -- a cross between a Yorkshire Terrier and a Shitzu.{mosimage}

When you have a Puggle you won't have a howling dog, which is one of the features of Beagles, nor will you have one that has breathing problems, which is a feature of the Pug. Good breeding of these dogs requires careful planning and attention to detail. Getting a Puggle puppy from a breeder does mean that the dog has its beginning needles, but more than likely, it will not be potty trained. You will have to take this on yourself unless you constantly want to be cleaning up pet urine around your home. This means you will have to confine the puppy to a small area until it learns to go where you want it to. Until that time comes though, you will need to have lots of patience and urine cleaners at hand.

Having Puggle puppies in your home means that you also have to take them to the vet on a regular basis. Since you cared enough about getting one of these puppies to pay a lot of money for one, you do need to make sure it stays healthy. As a rule, Puggle puppies are not high maintenance pets, but you do have to include vet bills in your yearly budget.