Read About Canine Agility

Agility is a sport of overcoming obstacles. Most importantly, though, agility is about teamwork between you and your pet. It is about achieving goals and creating a strong emotional bond with your beloved dog. The sport of dog agility takes practice, patience, and energy, for both you and your dog.

ImageAgility training is not only great for your dog physically, it is also a good way to be able to interact socially - both with other dogs and their two legged friends. So, not only are you and your dog closer, happier, and healthier, you may just make some new friends while you’re at it.

Agility is one of the best sports you could ever train your dog to love, and one that can become a lifelong passion for both you and your pet. It is about taking quality time out of your busy lifestyle, and enjoying some active, loving time with your dog.

Your dog will take on an equestrian-like obstacle course where they will jump, run through pipe tunnels, cross a teeter, and slowly take on weave poles - one of the most difficult components to agility. It is a race against the clock to succeed, and your dog must touch certain painted lines each and every time he completes an obstacle in the course. Dog agility is an addictive sport, and once you and your dog get started, you may very well never look back.

Many agility specialists suggest training with audible cues instead of treats or other methods. You can use a clicker or a whistle. A clicker or whistle works while your dog is in action, and it is a relatively fast positive reinforcement method. You click or whistle when your dog does something well, and then give your dog a treat. You will gradually reduce the number of treats while continuing to click or whistle each time your dog obeys. In time, he will realize that the verbal clue is his reward, and you can save your treats for what they’re really meant for – an occasional luxury.

{mosimage}There is also a wide variety of products you can use to train your dog in your own backyard. Dog agility kits include an assortment of products from pipe tunnels to jumps and even weave poles. These kits are easy to set up and use, and give your dog plenty of agility practice.

Dog agility is a fascinating sport and will give your dog an active lifestyle he will love. Now is the time to take advantage of a sport that will get you and your pet into the great outdoors, reveling in the fresh air, and enjoying an active lifestyle. Don’t think of agility as just another hobby, though. It is so much more than that. It will be a fantastic experience for both you and your dog, and will teach you to work together as a team. You’ll find you have a happier, healthier pet, and that you’re much closer than you were before. What could be better than that?