Read About Dog Bathing Supplies

ImageDog bathing supplies include everything you need to successfully give your dog a bath, including a brush, a non-slip surface, appropriate hose and water supply, collar and leash, shampoo, towels, and treats.

Before bathing, give your dog a thorough brushing. This will remove any loose hair and cut down on the amount of hair that will come off your dog and down the drain. If your dog has a long coat or a double coat, be sure to brush out any mats before bathing. Once wet, mats can become tighter and harder to remove.

Make sure you have a safe, non-slip surface on which to bathe your dog. If the weather is warm, you may want to give her a bath outdoors. Depending on the size of your dog, you can either opt to wash her in a large tub or simply on a hard, flat surface. If you are in a cooler climate, you may wish to take care of bath time indoors, in a bathroom or laundry room. Make sure you have a non-slip surface on your laundry tub or bathtub, to prevent your pooch from sliding around.

Regardless of where you choose to bathe your dog, it helps to have a hose that is long enough to reach around the dog to rinse his entire coat. Outdoor hoses work well, in warm weather, as do hand-held shower hoses or laundry "slop-sink" hoses indoors.

Before you get your dog wet, you will want to be sure he won't run away. Securing him with a waterproof collar and leash that can be attached to something close to the bath area will keep him in place while keeping your hands free to bathe him.Image

Shampoos range from those that simply wash the dog, to those that wash and condition the fur, have built-in detanglers, include deodorant, or include flea protection. The shampoo you select for your dog will depend on the breed, skin and coat type, color, and other factors. Some dog shampoos offer flea protection. There are many dog shampoos specifically formulated for dogs with dry or sensitive skin. If your dog has a white coat, select a shampoo specifically designed to keep her coat looking light and fresh.

After the bath is complete, rub the dog well with towels and reward her good behavior with treats. Toweling your dog off will not only help to dry her, it will also remove the loose hair left behind from the bath. Depending on the type of coat your dog has, you may want to dry her with an electric hair dryer.

The frequency with which your dog will need to be bathed depends on both the breed and the dog's lifestyle. Shorthaired breeds generally do not need to be bathed as frequently as longhaired breeds, and dogs that stay predominantly indoors can often go longer between baths than outdoor dogs. As a general rule, most dogs should be bathed around every 6 to 8 weeks. Light colored dogs and show dogs are often bathed much more frequently. Having the right dog bathing supplies will you make your grooming experience a good and positive experience for your pet.