Read About Bite wounds

Common Disease Name:
Bite wounds
Medical Term for Disease:
Lacerations, traumatic
Species Affected by Disease:
Dogs and cats
Age Animal Usually Affected:
Commonly Affected Breeds:
Any; aggressive dogs are most likely the attackers
Sex Usually Affected:
Un-neutered males tend to fight more
Disease Symptoms:
Bleeding, loose skin, gashes; torn ear flaps
Method(s) of Diagnosis:
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Disease Causes:
The fang teeth of dogs are shaped to puncture and tear
After separating the dogs, using a water hose or some device other than your hands, it is important to examine your dog for any wounds caused by the tussle. To stop the bleeding, have the dog lay still for at least 15 minutes while you apply pressure to the wound. If the sides of the wound do not stay closed, he may need stitches. If the dog is having difficulty breathing, is staggering or disoriented, this is an emergency! Apply pressure to the wound, if bitten on top of the neck, immobilize the neck; give CPR if necessary and seek medical help.
Guarded depending on the damage; some bite wounds are fatal. Some can cause paralysis, such as a severe crushing bite to the neck of a small dog
Puncture wounds that have caused unseen, severe damage under the skin, such as puncturing a lung or trachea, or tearing a major blood vessel.
Supervise your dog at all times when he is around other dogs. In dog parks, keep your dog on a leash Imageuntil you can determine if he will be compatible with other dogs in the park. Socialize your puppy early and often to people and other dogs. Do not allow your dog to run free; walk on leash. Consider spaying or neutering your dog, especially if it has aggressive tendencies.
Medicines Used for Treatment of Disease:
For minor wounds- Bandage materials, antibiotic cleanser and ointment; oral antibiotics and pain medications.
Helpful Products:
Pet first aid kit. Choke chain, strong leash and muzzle if your dog is aggressive. Behavioral modification/training.