Read About Blue Heeler Dogs

ImageBlue Heeler dogs are good for families with children but you have to teach them to be gentle with kids as they like to play a little rough. When you take your Blue Heeler for a walk, you must keep it on a leash as it can be aggressive towards other dogs because of its instinct to dominate.

Blue Heeler Dogs are very active dogs that love to run and play. They need to exercise once or twice a day in order to keep in great physical shape. They are really intelligent and dominant and need a lot of obedience training and patience as they may be a challenge thanks to their outgoing personality. It is better to train them with positive reinforcement and teach them constantly. You and the other members of the family need to keep the rules straight for your Blue Heeler puppy or it will get confused and will take even longer to be fully trained.

This dog breed usually weighs between 35 to 50 pounds and they are very agile and love to learn tricks. They have a very active mind so they need to play and lean new tricks every so often. This is the perfect dog to catch Frisbees and play outdoors. If you have an active family and love to run and play in the back yard, you will have a lot of fun with a Blue Heeler dog.

However, you will take a long time to fully train them because they like to be independent and do things their own way. You will need to be very thorough with them otherwise they will never learn. Obedience training classes will show you the techniques that professional dog trainers use, so that you can reinforce the training at home. Sometimes they love to chase and nip and this may be difficult if you have a cat, as this dog may try to chase the cat all day long. They also like to chew on things as do other dogs, but you can control this with the right training. Image

You must also pay close attention to the feeding habits of your Blue Heeler dogs. The dog food that you use has to contain meat as a primary ingredient. You also have to take them for walk on a leash and it is even better if you socialize your dog with other dogs and people from the time it is a puppy.

Remember that getting a dog is just like bringing a new family member at home so try to get a breed which better fits your lifestyle and can have fun together with you. You will love the companionship and love of any dog, as they are really loyal and wonderful animals. They require love and a lot of attention and it is a big responsibility, but there is no doubt you will enjoy every minute of having Blue Heeler dogs around you.