Read About Boxer Puppies

ImageThere is not enough to be said for the good Boxer puppies. They are like the class clown and Charlie Chaplin all rolled up in one. They are a pleasure to own and the Boxer's distinctive personality only makes them more endearing. You have to decide if a Boxer is the dog breed for you. However, you should put in a bit of research before you get this breed of dog, as you should do with any dog breed.

Boxer puppies do not like extreme heat or cold, so this should be considered. They will not hike with you in the fall for hours on end. Their requirement for warmth will not permit them to do this, although they have the stamina for it. They are very intelligent and active, so they need mental as well as physical stimulation. They are large dogs that require more exercise than they will find inside your home, so daily walks are a must. They also thrive on learning new things, so they would really enjoy the stimulation that obedience classes could provide. They will also enjoy learning to obey your commands.

This is a working breed, but that won't stop them from being the clown that will give you many laughs. This is the thing that makes Boxer puppies so special to their owners. This is a big part of their personality and if you like laughing a lot, then Boxers should fit right into your lifestyle. If you're looking for a guard dog, then this won't be the dog for you. They are quite capable of protecting their families, but they are not big on aggression. A person would have a hard time trying to make them aggressive, which is a wonderful trait for this dog. Image

Boxer puppies are a great dog breed for those that have children. Therefore, they make for a great family pet. However, as with any dog, they need training. The Boxer seems to have an instinct for children. They seem to sense that this is a little person that needs protection and will become their best friend. This shows when you see a Boxer playing with a small child. The Boxer lies down on the floor so the child is taller than him, and plays gently with the child.

Another question to ask yourself is if you need a lap dog. They love the closeness of family and don't realize that they weren't born to be lap dogs. Most owners find this trait quite endearing and wouldn't have it any other way. They love their owners and will follow you from room to room when you are home. They want to spend every minute they can with you. The most precious gift you can give these puppies is unconditional love. They will give it back to you in a big way. This of course, applies to any breed, not just the Boxer puppies.