Read About Aquatic Plan Nutrition

Thriving live plants not only add beauty to an aquarium but they can improve its overall health as well. Here's what you need to know about Aquatic Plant Nutrition.

Keys to Success

Live plants provide a more natural environment and look for your aquarium but it's important to keep the plants healthy and well nourished. The keys to aquatic plant health are providing an appropriate and good quality substrate, good lighting and excellent nutrition. Let a good aquatic plant book or pet store expert be your guide to choosing the right substrate for the plants you choose. When choosing lighting, remember that the typical lighting set-up provided with a tank is meant only for viewing its occupants. You'll need stronger lighting for successful plant growth.

Once you've established a good substrate and appropriate lighting you'll need to focus on providing good nutrition for continued success. Begin fertilizing about four weeks after you've established the plants.

Plant Nutrient Basics

Micro nutrients can be added through commercial liquid fertilizers. Be sure to follow the dosing instructions on the package. Levels of macro nutrients such as nitrates, phosphates and potassium will also need to be controlled. Since these compounds can be toxic to your fish, it's important to add small doses and utilize your test kits to ensure proper levels. Many aquatic plants are root feeders. Fertilizer tablets that can be pushed into the substrate are available at pet shops and online. Educate yourself about what your aquatic plants need for optimal survival and you'll be rewarded with a lush and thriving natural-looking aquarium. Your fish will love it too!