Read About Livestock Sheep

Livestock Sheep are friendly, passive animals that make good pets if they're well cared for. Here's all you need to know about Livestock Sheep as pets.

They Make Great Pets

Livestock Sheep make great pets because they are affectionate and gentle. They really like human contact. In fact, if you feed a baby sheep by bottle, it's likely to follow you around like a puppy when it becomes a full-grown sheep.

Caring For Sheep

Like all animals, Livestock Sheep need sufficient food, water and shelter to survive. Livestock Sheep eat lots of grass but they also like to eat hay or silage. Livestock Sheep love grain, which is good because grain is high in nutrients. Be careful though, if you feed Livestock Sheep too much grain they can get sick.

Livestock Sheep need shelter from the elements and from other animals. Any Livestock Sheep that are kept as pets should have a fenced in area where they can be free from dog attacks. Fences with large holes are no good because dogs can get through these gaps.

Livestock Sheep that produce wool need to be sheared at least once a year. It's usually best to shear them in the spring so they don't become uncomfortably hot in the summer. If you want to sell the wool, have a professional shear the Livestock Sheep. Craft stores, wool brokers and private firms all buy Livestock Sheep wool. If you want to shear Livestock Sheep yourself, make sure to keep the wool colors separate.