Read About Choosing Allergy

If you have cat allergies, one way you can help control your allergic reaction is to use a Hepa air filter to remove the small particles that can cause allergic outbreaks.

Things to Consider:

  • In-Between Bathing – In addition to bathing your cat at least once a month, you can use a dry bath wipe in between bathing. It will help keep your cats coat free of dander and protein build up from their saliva, which are considered the two leading causes of cat allergies.

  • Spayed or Neutered – Having your cat spayed, or neutered, tends to reduce the amount of protein in your cat´s saliva. Protein is believed to be one of the main causes of human allergies to cats.

  • Thorough, Regular Cleaning – You should vacuum your carpets regularly; hard surfaces, such as tables and countertops should be wiped down; and bed spreads, sheets, and blankets should be washed on a weekly basis to keep dander and protein to a minimum.