Read About Choosing Dog Training

The right attitude, approach, and aids will help you accomplish dog training more easily than you ever imagined.

Things to consider: What behaviors need modification, common training methods, and how to stop your dog's roaming habits.

  • Training Aids - Dog training can be made so much easier with just the right selection of training aids. For example, to cure a dog of separation anxiety -- a problem that can lead to more serious problems like whining, barking, soiling the house, and chewing, biting, and scratching your furniture and his own body -- be sure to provide your dog enough stimulus to keep him busy while you're away from home. Toys are a great way to keep him preoccupied, and make sure you regularly switch old dog toys out for new ones. Like children, dogs eventually grow bored of even their favorite toys, and all it takes is a change in the selection to get them excited all over again. Hide a couple throughout the house and after the first time he finds it he will get so excited he'll forever be looking for the next one. As long as he occasionally "strikes it rich", you can keep him busy this way for hours.

  • Training Methods - The two most common types of dog training are the reward method and the leash and collar method. Both can be incredibly effective, depending on your demeanor and the demeanor of the dog. The reward method utilizes praise and tasty dog treats as incentives to get your dog's attention and reward her for obeying your commands. This method makes training fun and exciting for your dog. The leash and collar method involves teaching your dog each command while attached to a leash and collar, allowing you to better hold your dog's attention and gently physically assist her in successfully obeying your commands. This method helps build a bond of trust and loyalty between you. Using both dog training methods in conjunction can be a doubly-rewarding experience.

  • Stop the Roaming - If your dog is prone to roaming there is a fun method you can use to train him out of it without the use of a dog containment system. Dogs that roam usually do so because they are bored and restless. If you make sure to schedule plenty of playtime every day -- especially outdoors -- your dog will get the exercise and play he needs. Keep plenty of outdoor dog toys around to keep it as fun for you as it is for your dog to get this valuable dog training.