Read About Choosing Edible Dog Chews

Edible dog chews are a treat and a half for your pet. Use them with a specific purpose in mind, and they're even better.

Things to consider: When the dog needs a distraction, choking problems, and separation anxiety.

  • Pain Reliever - Edible chews can be the perfect distraction for your injured dog to keep her from licking or chewing on a sore or irritated spot on her body, especially if you have just finished applying dog medicines to the wound.

  • Helpful Hint - If each time you feed your dog edible chews she tends to gag or choke on the last little piece, or if she seems to have trouble digesting her dog chews and bones, try taking the very last little piece away from her when it's just small enough for her try to swallow without chewing further and just large enough to get lodged in her throat. To make this idea more palatable to her, praise her as you take that last piece away, and give her a toy or take her outside for a walk immediately afterwards. She will forget all about that last little piece in an instant.

  • When You Leave - When you have to leave your dog with another person -- whether a friend, a family member or a dog boarding kennel; whether someone familiar to the dog or not -- it's always nice to leave your dog with some familiar items, like dog pillows and throws with your scent on it and one or two of her dog toys. You might also leave behind for her "sitter" to give her while you are gone a few of her favorite edible chews.