Read About Signs of Pet Illness

Signs of pet illness can include any number of changes in the appearance, activity or habits of your pet. If you determine your pet is sick, it is best to have him seen by a veterinarian. Trying to diagnose your pet yourself can lead to improper treatments or delays that can cause more serious illness or even death.

Cats frequently display Imagesigns of illness such as weight loss, loss of appetite and increases in water consumption. If your cat seems to be drinking much more than usual and is urinating a great deal, it can be a sign of diabetes or renal disease. Another outward sign of illness in cats is reduced grooming. If your cat is no longer grooming frequently and developing mats in his hair, this can be a sign of illness.

Signs of illness in dogs can include vomiting and diarrhea and changes in eating habits. Often dogs who are ill become lethargic and have a marked decrease in energy or the desire to move about. Other common signs of pet illness in dogs is difficulty urinating or defecating. Sick dogs may “assume the position” and stay crouched without eliminating.

One sign of illness indicating a bird is sick is a change in their droppings. Although the color and quantity of a bird’s droppings will vary depending on the daily diet, droppings that are yellow, black and tarry or rusty looking should be reported to your vet. Cloudy or weepy eyes could be another sign your bird is sick. Dirty feathers or a marked change in your bird’s grooming habits can also indicate sickness. This may be especially noticeable around the bird’s face or rump. Key food-related signs that your bird is sick include a lack of appetite or weight loss. If your bird begins eating less, either not finishing the food given to her or leaving more food than usual on the floor, contact your vet. Weight loss may not be readily apparent, since this can sometimes be disguised by ruffled feathers, another sign your bird is sick.


Reptile illnesses can be subtle. One of the best ways to detect signs your reptile is sick is to be as familiar as possible with his normal, well condition. You can do this as part of your normal cleaning routine. On a daily basis, remove any uneaten food from your reptile’s home. As you do, observe the amount and condition of the food you are removing. Is it normal scraps, or are there large amounts of food that appear untouched? Is there more uneaten food than usual, or about the same amount? Signs of changes in eating habits can be signs your reptile is sick, so make sure to take just a moment to notice these things each day. Remove any waste products, taking a moment to observe those as well. Is the appearance and quantity of waste normal for your reptile? If not, these could be signs of illness in your reptile.

Signs of pet illness should always be taken seriously. While all animals may skip a meal now and then (especially a finicky pet making her opinion known about a change in food, for example), your pet should never go more than a day without eating. Always contact your vet to discuss signs of pet illness, and determine the appropriate course of treatment.