Read About Leo Pets Horoscopes

Leo Pets Horoscopes

(July 23- August 22)

Leo pets rule the roost, but they do it most charmingly. These kings and queens are spoiled rotten, and they couldn't imagine living any other way. Wondering what's in store for your precious pet this month? Here's everything you need to know about your pet's horoscope.

All Pets - Horoscope

As the stars align in the house of Cancer, it's time to start saving for some upcoming veterinary bills. The hot weather of the summer will have playful little pets getting into trouble. Fleas will be in full force so all cats and dogs should be monitored for itching and biting. Older pets will want to stay out of the sun and take lengthy naps. This is the perfect time to share a quick couch nap during Sunday afternoons. The 4th of the month is a day to celebrate, but be sure to calm any fears and skittishness from fireworks noises.

Dog & Puppy - Horoscope

The park is the place for you today! Channel that energy into a rousing round of fetch or meet up with some puppy pals for a good old game of chase. Be careful whom you sniff, though. Not all pooches will appreciate your probing persistence! Never fear, though, for you are the star today, no matter what!

Cat - Horoscope

The hairball you coughed up last week didn't garner you the attention you were expecting or hoping for. You are planning and plotting on how to gain their attention, but nothing seems to work. You refuse to go outside where it is cold and bring back a mouse. It's just not worth the suffering on the snow and ice. Keep plotting and an idea will come to you in the night, you do your best thinking then anyway. Take care as to do it quietly. Idea Days: 7, 21

Kitten - Horoscope

Take it easy today, tiger! You may be the king (or queen) of your castle, but there's no reason to give up one of your 9 lives to prove it! You might feel that you have something to prove, but your family loves you just for who you are, fur balls and all.

Show Dog - Horoscope

The opposite sex looking surprisingly good? You're feeling frisky from the crisp winter air, but it's okay, we all go through times like this. Your family might not like it, so you should let them know with subtle hints. You might meet that special someone and if everyone's not okay with it, you'll go straight to the cage. Because of this excess of energy, dog shows may be out of the question since you don't want to embarrass yourself or your family. That striped stray cat down the road will notice your playground is a good place to cause trouble. It's time to teach that pesky feline who's the boss. Good Cat Chasing Days: 19, 20

Bird - Horoscope

You love to be in the spotlight this month. Your glorious voice will garner the attention of your parent's family and friends. Keep the harmonies light and avoid the squawk interlude in the middle. If you do so, treats and extra seed will come your way quickly. Keep up the good work! Best Song Days: 1, 17, 22, 26

Horse - Horoscope

You look and feel like a million dollars, and why not? You're a prized steed that everyone loves. Don't take this for granted, you put your shoes on one at a time like every other horse. Your sure-footed trot will be recognized by others, and you will gain heavy praise from your family and your rider's friends. This will make other horses jealous of you, but don't blame them. The dead of winter has many others down and depressed, they just aren't the boss around here like you are. Taurus' one-track mind might not like your sense of worth, pay special attention to mind your manners around them. Best Mirror Days: 5, 25

Reptile - Horoscope

By keeping low to the ground, you'll be nearly untouchable this month. Blame will slide from you and your quick tongue will be able to ask nearly anyone to do things for you. Your quiet strength of character will be noticed by those above you. If you play your cards right, you'll slither up the ladder in no time. Keep your eyes open while you keep your head low or you might move right past someone who could make a lasting impact on your life. Watch for loud-mouthed Aquarius' showing their wares, they will set you off like a firecracker. Strong Days: 12, 19