Read About Garter Snake

The garter snake most common type of snake and it is important to know how to properly care for them. Everything you need to know about them is contained in this article.

Garter Snake - Facts

  1. Description:

    The garter snake is the most common snake and is often the first type of snake that a young person catches. These snakes are found all over the United States and make appearances in gardens and other outdoor habitats.
  2. Varieties:

    There are fifteen species of garter snakes in the United States, ten of these living in the western part of the country.
  3. History:

    These snakes have been around for quite some time. In fact, they are even endangered in the San Francisco area.
  4. Physical Traits:

    These snakes usually do not grow more than three feet in length. They can be any combination of green, blue, brown, red, or other colors.
  5. Other Defining Characteristics:

    Their slither and hiss are probably the two most recognizable characteristics of the garter snake.
  6. Habitat:

    Garters are quick to get warm and to cool off, so their habitats must provide them with a place for sunning themselves and for cooling off once they get too warm.

Garter Snakes- Concerns

  1. Benefits:

    The benefit to having a garter snake is that it does not require much in the way of care or medical needs. As long as you feed it properly and make sure it is warm enough, you will not have to spend a lot of time or money caring for its needs.
  2. Liabilities:

    These snakes are very tricky and like to escape from their cages. They probably would not damage anything in your home, but it might be difficult to sleep at night wondering if a snake was going to slither into your bed.
  3. Health Issues:

    These snakes develop very few health problems. Those that do develop an illness are almost always the result of improper feeding or environment.
  4. Specific Care Needs:

    You will need to get a cage for your new snake and provide some sort of substrate. You can also create a more natural habitat by using soil or other natural materials for the cage.
  5. Reaction to Children and other Pets:

    These small snakes will probably become scared by children and other pets. It is important to secure their cages so that others do not have access to the snake.
  6. Special Household Needs:

    You will need to properly secure the opening to the cage because these snakes have been known to let themselves out and wander around homes.

Garter Snake - How to Choose

  1. What to Look for:

    You can look for a garter snake that has nice markings and colorings so that you will enjoy viewing it and taking care of it.
  2. Supplies:

    You will need a cage, food for the snake, a closure or security device for the opening to the cage, substrate or natural materials, and a way to keep the cage warm enough for the snake.
  3. Expense:

    Taking care of this snake is relatively inexpensive because its major requirements are food and warmth.