Read About Snapping Turtle

The Common Snapping Turtle is becoming a popular pet, although they do not make ideal pets. Everything you need to know about them is contained in this article.

Common Snapping Turtle - Facts

  1. Description:

    The common snapping turtle is a freshwater turtle with beak-like jaws and sharp claws.
  2. Varieties:

    The three main sub-species of snapping turtles are the Common Snapper, the Florida Snapper, and the South American Snapper.
  3. History:

    The common snapping turtle belongs to the genus Chelydra and is commonly found in the eastern two-thirds of the United States.
  4. Physical Traits:

    Snapping turtles have powerful, beak-like jaws, a long saw tooth tail, large sharp claws, and a large head which cannot be drawn into its shell. They generally grow to a length of over a foot and weigh approximately 40-60 pound.
  5. Other Defining Characteristics:

    The common snapping turtle has a shell, which is usually brown, olive, or tan, with three raised ridges.
  6. Habitat:

    Snapping turtles live in stagnant ponds, rivers, and swamps, and tend to hang out on the bottom. They eat dead animals, plants, small birds, and fish.

Common Snapping Turtle - Concerns

  1. Benefits:

    Common snapping turtles live for upwards of 40 years and are fascinating to watch. They are plentiful in supply in the wild, and there are no regulations against trapping the common snapping turtle.
  2. Liabilities:

    Snapping turtles grow to be very large and will require a pond or aquarium with over a 100-gallon capacity. They are very messy and aggressive, and it is difficult to keep their water clean.
  3. Health Issues:

    Snapping turtles are hardy animals and generally have few common health problems.
  4. Specific Care Needs:

    Snapping turtles should be fed live feeder fish, crickets, worms, fresh greens, fruits and vegetables, as well as a calcium/vitamin supplement.
  5. Reaction to Children and other Pets:

    Common snapping turtles are aggressive when feeding, but otherwise are gentle. Even so, children should not be allowed near a snapping turtle unless they are supervised. Other pets should also be kept from accessing the turtle.
  6. Special Household Needs:

    Snapping turtles should have a large glass aquarium with a cover. They need plenty of room to swim. The water temperature should be kept between 75-82 degrees F.

Common Snapping Turtle - How to Choose

  1. What to Look for:

    A healthy snapping turtle has clear eyes, healthy skin and shell, and is active and alert.
  2. Supplies:

    You will need a strong filtration system, as the water will quickly become full of bacteria. You will also need some sort of area for the turtle to bask, as well as an ultraviolet light unless there is access to natural sunlight. /li>
  3. Expense:

    The aquarium and food for the turtle will be the most expensive part of maintaining a common snapping turtle. Since the common snapping turtle is found in many locations, the expense of purchasing one is minimal.