Read About Sugar Glider Breeders In Texas

Sugar Glider Breeders in Texas will be glad to share their knowledge with people who are interested in sugar gliders. Here's everything you need to know about these breeders.

Sugar Glider Breeders In Texas - Breeder Facts

  1. Professional Affiliations:

    The International Sugar Glider Association, Inc. (ISGA) is the main professional organization dedicated to the promotion of the breed.
  2. Why Use a Breeder:

    A breeder will be able to assure you that you will be purchasing a well-bred, well-adjusted and healthy animal, something you may not find in other places.
  3. How to Find:

    Sugar glider breeders in Texas can be found by contacting the ISGA (if they are members of the association), looking online or in the telephone book, by talking to a veterinarian, or by going to pet shows.
  4. What to Expect:

    A sugar glider breeder will be able to give you a lot of information about the glider you are interested in, as far as lineage, health issues, etc. They are also able to answer any questions you may have once you take your pet home.
  5. Breeder's Surroundings:

    A good breeder will have clean, well-maintained cages with sleep pouches, toys, exercise wheel, and ample fresh water and food.

Sugar Glider Breeders In Texas - Newborn Facts

  1. Average Number of Newborns Delivered at Birth:

    Litter size is usually 1 to 4, but the average is usually 2.
  2. Age To Be Sold:

    The best time to adopt a sugar glider is 12 to 13 weeks.
  3. What to Look For in a Newborn:

    A healthy sugar glider will have clear eyes, clean ears, nose and mouth, well-formed legs and feet, and will not be skinny or overweight.
  4. Registry:

    There is no official registry for sugar gliders.
  5. ISGA Recognized Characteristics:

    The ISGA does not have official recognition of the sugar glider.
  6. Expense to Purchase Newborn:

    Hand-tamed sugar gliders cost between $175-$250. If bought from a breeder, they are usually not tame, and will likely cost less.
  7. Dam and Sire Information of your Newborn:

    A good breeder will be able to give you lineage information on your sugar glider.

Sugar Glider Breeders In Texas - Breeder Concerns

  1. Breeder Reputation:

    Many sugar gliders come from mills, so be sure you are dealing with a good, reputable breeder who specializes in this animal.
  2. Pet Health:

    Common ailments in sugar gliders are: calcium deficiency, diarrhea, constipation, and internal or external parasites.
  3. Assurances:

    A reputable sugar glider breeder will provide you with a guarantee on the animals they sell.