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Small Pet Running in Circles

Small pet running in circles may appear, on the surface, to be a very cute aspect of your pet's personality. And in many cases, if you have a small pet running in circles, he may well be playing a little game, or simply amusing himself. Small pets tend to be gregarious and full of energy practically around the clock, and it is not uncommon for them to resort to hilarious antics in an effort to expend some of that boundless energy. If your pet's unusual behavior is ongoing, however, you may have to consider other possible explanations for his actions. In any event, it is probably not something that you should overlook or dismiss as unimportant if your pet is exhibiting such behavior. The safest course of action is to have him checked out to ensure his good health.

Small pet running in circles can be indicative of the presence of mites, lice, or numerous other insects or parasites. If your pet becomes infected with such insects, one of the primary behaviors exhibited is running in circles. If you examine your pet closely, you may find evidence of these insects in your pet's fur. Some of these ailments can be treated with over the counter treatments found in your local pet store, but other, more serious conditions may need to be treated by your pet's professional caregiver.

If your small pet running in circles is a chronic problem, you should take your pet to your trusted veterinarian for a complete examination. In addition to a variety of physical causes, your pet may be suffering from psychological problems that might make him run in circles. Animals, like humans, can suffer from depression, anxiety, fear, and a host of other maladies. Please do not dismiss the possibility that your pet may have such a condition, simply because you do not believe it is possible. It is most definitely possible, and if your pet is suffering, you should seek treatment for him as quickly as possible. Your veterinarian may surprise you with how much information he might have on hand to help you to better understand your small pet running in circles. It may be that with a little patience and reinforced behaviors, your pet can quickly be returned to more normal pursuits.

If your small pet running in circles becomes a chronic problem, please do not hesitate to contact your veterinarian for advice on how to best treat your animal.

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