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Pond Turtles

Before you set up a turtle pond, there are a few things to consider. Here's what you need to know about Pond Turtles.


If you live in a warm climate, you may be able to keep your turtles outside year-round. Other climates will only allow for them to live in the pond in the summer months. Take your climate and the turtle species' hardiness into account before putting turtles in your pond. It is possible to hibernate your turtles in the winter, although it can get complicated and risky.

Pond Conditions

Consider your turtle's natural environment when deciding how to set up your turtle pond. Some turtles prefer deeper water than others. All turtles will need a place to relax submerged with their heads out of the water. It's best if you can provide varied depths. You must also provide a partially submerged basking area such as a rock or log. It's preferable to keep a fence around your turtle pond, but make sure to leave some room for them to roam on land. They will also enjoy a hiding spot or two such as a large plant or clay flowerpot placed on its side.

Water Quality and Feeding

Add a fountain or waterfall to increase oxygen levels in the water. If you keep fish in the pond an external filter is best. Your turtles are avid hunters and will eat feeder fish you stock in the pond. Your turtle's species will determine its optimal diet, as some are mainly vegetarians while others do well mainly with meat. Consult a comprehensive book or turtle care expert for guidance.