Shop for Dog Kong Treats-Toys
Treats specially designed to fit in Kong treat-dispensing toys for dog to chew on and digest.
Specially designed treats to be used with Kong treat-dispensing toys.
Kong Treat dispensing Toy
Kong Treat dispensing Toy
Treat-dispensing dog toy
treat dispensing dog toy
The Company of Animals Dog Pyramid Dog Treat Dispenser 8" height
The Company of Animals Dog Pyramid Dog Treat Dispenser wobbles, rocks and throws out pieces of snacks when the dog pushes and plays with it. Fill The Company of Animals Dog Pyramid Dog Treat Dispenser with dog snacks, then let your dog play and work to get the snacks out by pushing it with its paws and nose. The Company of Animals Dog Pyramid Dog Treat Dispenser has a weighted base, will rock, twist and wobble back and forth but always wants to stand up straight. -
The Company of Animals Dog Pyramid Dog Treat Dispenser 8" height
The Company of Animals Dog Pyramid Dog Treat Dispenser wobbles, rocks and throws out pieces of snacks when the dog pushes and plays with it. Fill The Company of Animals Dog Pyramid Dog Treat Dispenser with dog snacks, then let your dog play and work to get the snacks out by pushing it with its paws and nose. The Company of Animals Dog Pyramid Dog Treat Dispenser has a weighted base, will rock, twist and wobble back and forth but always wants to stand up straight. -
Talk to Me Treat Ball 4" dia
This treat-dispensing dog toy plays your pre-recorded message when nudged by your dog The sound of your voice can be soothing to dogs, especially when you are away Rewards your dog's play and retrieve instincts with a delicious mini treat This talking dog toy is not only fun at playtime, but it can also be a great tool for separation anxiety. Clever, interactive ball toy plays back your pre-recorded message and dispenses small treats. Simply record a 15-second customized message on the included recorder and fill the ball with treats. --->The message playback is motion-activated, so every time your dog nudges the ball, it plays back your message and dispenses treats. The sound of your voice - as well as a delicious reward - can be soothing to your pet when you are away. Change the recording anytime you'd like. Durable plastic ball is dishwasher safe (but first remove the recording device). Batteries included. Talk To Me Treats (3/4") are the perfect size for these balls. Each delicious treat contains less than 10 percent fat. Mint flavor. --->Please click on "More Information" for treat ingredients. -
dog-treat dispensing toy