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Must-have handbook for aquarium hobbyists who want to move from accidental spawns to successful fish breeding. Discusses why to breed, how to breed, and what to do after breeding. Readers learn about fish biology, aquarium environment, specialized equipment, adult nutrition, and fry care. Includes 37 descriptions of popular fish species with detailed breeding and care instructions.
Provides accurate and reliable information for the diagnosis and treatment of common fish diseases. Includes bacterial diseases, protozoan diseases, viral diseases, fungal infections, worms and flukes, and less common diseases. Also includes basic tips on how to predict and avoid disease outbreaks in the aquarium.
A good, introductory text for reef aquarium hobbyists interested in keeping live corals. Contents include coral anatomy, nutrition, reproduction, husbandry, and propagation. Also has a guide to common corals with descriptions, feeding guidelines, lighting requirements, and more.
This compact, richly illustrated guide explores all aspects of keeping a wide range of freshwater fish suitable for community aquariums.
Saltwater fish and invertebrates require specialized aquarium care. This book advises on maintaining correct water chemistry and temperature, and describes scores of marine fish and sea animals that are suitable to get an inexperienced hobbyist started. Readers will find tips on species identification, feeding, behavior, approximate and purchase prices.
Prospective tropical aquarium hobbyists will find vital information on many fish varietiescichlids, swordtails, and many others. Readers will find tips on species identification, feeding, behavior, approximate and purchase prices. Quick-check data requirements are given regarding aquarium size, water temperature, food, compatibility with other fish, and much more.
Marine aquarium hobbyists will find a wealth of information here, complemented with vivid close-up color photos of all invertebrates described.