The Basics of Dental Care
Over time, most adult cats develop bad breath and oral problems like infections and loose teeth. Much of this can be prevented with a regimen of regular Cat Dental Care.
You should start your dental care routine early on in your cat’s life. Getting him accustomed to tooth brushing and other things can mean a life of fewer dental problems.
The main problem in cat’s teeth stems from plaque. As plaque builds up and isn’t removed regularly, it hardens and turns into tartar. Excessive tartar on a tooth can begin to move up under the gum lining and separate the tooth from the gum. Eventually, the tooth becomes loose and may even fall out.
Brushing your cat’s teeth regularly can remove plaque before it builds up. While some owners do it daily, you could even do it on a weekly basis and still see improvement. Ask your pet supply store specialist for suggestions on toothbrushes and toothpastes designed for cats. It might take some time for your cat to get used to it, but it will be worth it in the long run.
You can also use specially-made treats that will help reduce plaque and tartar on your cat’s teeth. There are a wide variety of cleansing chews and biscuits for this purpose, so browse the aisles of your pet supply store or ask around to find something that works.