Read About Horse Medication

Caring for a horse is a big responsibility, which is why you should know about Horse Medication. Here is everything you need to know about this topic.

The first thing to note is that it is generally not wise to have pills around for emergencies, unless they have been prescribed by a vet for a limited time. However, there are a few things that every horse owner should have ready.


Any minor cut or injury can be cleaned out using disinfectant. The additional use of antiseptic powder can also help in order to keep out any more infections. Ointment will prevent scar tissue and encourage hair to grow back.

Kaolin Poultice

This all-natural remedy has many uses. It can be put under a bandage to relieve sprains, and it can also be put on a cut to remove any dirt and poisons that might be associated with the puncture.

Cough Electuary

For numerous reasons, a horse might develop a cough. This medication will help ease the throat until the primary cause can be found.

Colic Drench

Colic is a terrible ailment that can have a harmful effect on the horse. You should definitely call a vet when the symptoms of colic appear, but it is good to have colic drench on hand in case it takes too long for the vet to appear.

De-worming medication

Unfortunately, all horses have worm problems. Even healthy horses require regular dosages, and you should probably let your vet decide the proper brand and frequency of treatment.