Read About Horse Veterinarian Visits

Once you have purchased a horse, you should definitely plan some Horse Veterinarian Visits. Here is everything you need to know about this topic.


Most experts say that an owner should plan a vet visit at least once per year. Like any other pet, horses need constant medical maintenance, including vaccinations.


Your vet should have a list of what vaccinations you will need. Two of the needed vaccinations are influenza and tetanus. Influenza is a common and infectious disease that manifests with a cough and fever. Tetanus is caused through a wound or scratch, like a rusty nail. Tetanus is also known as lockjaw because the horse tends to stiffen up in certain areas. Both these diseases require constant booster doses due a horse’s decreasing immunity.

Deworming is also an important health problem. All horses will have problems with parasitic disease, and will develop some degree of it in their lifetime. Constant medication is required, and your vet can show you how to administer it yourself.

When a Vet Visit is a Necessity

It is necessary for the owner to keep a watchful eye on their horse for any sign of bad health. For example, if you notice a horse that is avoiding putting weight on a certain leg, you should call the vet right away. It may be nothing, but your vet can prescribe what to do in order to prevent the condition from becoming serious.

So remember to call the vet as soon as possible, because you don’t want to put off what could be a serious health problem.