Read About Amphibian Food

Proper nutrition is important for raising healthy amphibians. Here's what you need to know about Amphibian Food.

Understanding Food Requirements

Different amphibian species will require different foods, so research exactly what your pet needs to thrive and make sure there is a source for live foods available to you before you bring your pet home. Crickets, earthworms, trevo worms, termites, mealworms, wingless fruit flies and wax worms are all common amphibian foods but some pickier varieties may require glass shrimp and the occasional pinkie mouse. Don't limit your food source search to the local pet store. Bait shops and mail-order catalogues and websites are also great resources for amphibian foods. Consider setting up a small aquarium to house a readily available cricket supply. This will give you, and your pet, the advantage of allowing you to "gut-load" the crickets by feeding them highly nutritious foods so that they pass that nutrition on to your pets.

Many amphibians will learn to eat commercial food preparations such as trout chow or palletized fish food. Be prepared for your amphibian's taste to change periodically over the course of the year, as many are adapted to the seasonal availability of certain foods in the wild. Make sure your amphibian is used to variety in its diet and observe what he is and isn't eating. If he seems to be off the crickets start offering more mealworms. Look to a good amphibian care book, a reptile and amphibian veterinarian or a local breeder for feeding advice when necessary. The best thing you can do for your pet is provide fresh, properly filtered water in a clean, appropriate living environment.