Horizon Complete Puppy Formula Dry Dog Food

Horizon Complete Puppy Formula Dry Dog Food

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Horizon Complete Puppy Formula Dry Dog Food is a unique blend of human grade ingredients, in optimal balance, plus a full menu of unique supplements and anti-oxidants.? Your puppy needs the appropriate levels of key nutrients, including fresh muscle meat, high quality whole grains, vitamins and minerals to maintain a healthy immune system.Horizon Complete Puppy Formula Dry Dog Food is a balanced diet that is specifically formulated to achieve the highest standards of nutrition, performance and taste.   Horizon Pet Nutrition is the first and only pet food manufacturer to include colostrum in our puppy and kitten formulas.? Colostrum aids in the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases in both humans and animals.? Colostrum is known to reduce auto-immune diseases, heart disease, athletic stress and cancer to name a few, as well as improving liver function.? This unique ingredient accelerates healing, increases muscle and bone growth and decreases fat metabolism in

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