Innova Canned Puppy Food 12 Pack Case

Innova Canned Puppy Food 12 Pack Case

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Innova Canned Puppy Food contains all of the natural nutrition and benefits of Innova Dry Puppy Food, in a can. Combining chicken broth with the lean turkey and chicken, wholesome fruits and vegetables, natural whole grains, vitamin-rich potatoes and cottage cheese of the Innova formula gives you choices when feeding your dog.Locked-in your new puppy's DNA is the potential to live a long, healthful life. To unlock this potential, Innova Puppy Food uses a holistic nutritional approach to achieve optimum growth rates and build the immune system. Innova Puppy Food is a natural holistic puppy food that is free of fillers, chemical preservatives, hormones and highly refined preprocessed grain fractions. You can also rest assured that critical "puppy" minerals are at both optimum levels and in the optimum balance for the needs of all breeds and sizes of puppies. Weaning puppies will benefit from the high levels of natural antioxidant vitamins that Innova Puppy Food provides. As always, Innova Puppy Food goes above and beyond to provide complete and balanced nutrition for the life and good health of your dog!Guaranteed AnalysisGuaranteed Analysis describes the nutrient content required by AAFCO labeling standards to be identified on every product package. Since these are guarantees, pet food manufacturers work to formulate diets that meet or exceed the minimum requirements. For more information, read our GA FAQ's.Crude Protein (min) 12 % Crude Fat (min) 8 % Crude Fiber (max) 1 % Moisture (max) 76 % Calcium (min) 0.25 % Phosphorus (min) 0.2 % Vitamin E (min) 100 IU/kg Omega-3 Fatty Acids (min) 1.3 %Available in: Case of twelve - 13.2 oz. cans

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