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Bird Training Commands

Bird training commands should be chosen carefully and used consistently to be effective in helping your bird learn new behaviors. As with any training, praise and rewards such as tasty treats, should be used along with consistent bird training commands.

Choose bird training commands that are simple and short. Be sure that the commands you choose are easy for you to remember, since consistent use is key. Let anyone else that interacts with your bird know what the bird training commands are, and let then hear how you pronounce them. Simple things like tone and inflection can make a difference in how well your bird responds to bird training commands. The more consistent the commands are, regardless of who is giving them, the more effective the training will be. Using a particular word or phrase just as a bird training command, and not using it at any other time or in any other context, can help reinforce the connection between the desired behavior and the bird training command.

Bird training commands should be spoken immediately before the desired behavior is to be performed and positive reinforcement should immediately follow the correct behavior. In the early stages of training it is normal for there to be a bit of a lapse between the bird training command and the behavior, but as training continues this lapse should shorten. Giving your bird his reward without delay helps to keep the connection between the specific behavior and the command clear. Changing the type of bird training commands given for a single type of behavior can be confusing to the bird and can delay or even derail your training efforts.

If your bird is a breed that generally talks, such as an African Grey parrot, keep this in mind when selecting your bird training commands. These commands may be frequently repeated by your bird, so you want to be sure they are words or phrases you don’t mind hearing over and over.

Bird training commands, when selected carefully and used properly, are the cornerstone of any successful training program. Command your bird consistently, and be sure the rewardfor the desired behavior includes not only a treat but plenty of praise as well. You will soon find that your bird performs the requested behavior quickly and consistently each time she hears the bird training commands.
