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Training Your Dog to Sit

Training your dog to sit is one of the most basic, yet crucial commands you can teach your dog. Everybody has been there; you visit someone’s house and that crazy dog just jumps all over you. The owner tells him to sit over and over but the dog never listens. You think to yourself, how hard is it to train a dog to sit? Well, the answer is, not very hard at all and everyone should do it.

You can either train your dog yourself or hire someone to do it. But, it really doesn’t matter which way, as long as it is accomplished somehow. Training your dog to sit is one of the most basic commands there is. Over the next few minutes, I am going to reveal to you a tried and true way to do this. Training your dog to sit can be accomplished in just a few easy steps.

Before you begin, I want you to keep in mind the idea of positive reinforcement. Rewarding good behavior is said to be way more effective than punishing bad behavior. So, get yourself a bag of treats and your dog and let’s begin.

First, you want to place yourself in front of your dog. Allow your dog to take notice of the treat you have in your hand. This will trigger a desire to receive the treat. Let him take a sniff of it and then move it toward the backside of your pup. This is where you want to say his name and then command him to sit.

You may have to repeat this process a couple of times until he realizes what action he needs to take. But, once he sits, immediately praise him and reward him with the delicious treat. This is the positive reinforcement that is necessary when training your dog to sit. Repeat this exercise a couple of times until you are sure that he thoroughly understands the command you have given him.

Fantastic! You are now training your dog how to sit. It is a pretty simple thing to do so every pet owner needs to do it. It is helpful in all occasions and it also shows the dog who is in command. Remember, dogs need consistency. Tomorrow, you may walk in and have to repeat the exercise a couple of times. In fact, you may have to do this for a couple of days or so. Eventually though, he will memorize it and you can take the treat out of the equation so then it becomes a part of everyday life. Now, training your dog to sit is complete and you can move on to bigger and better tricks.

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