Read About Helping Your New Dog Adjust


So, you've officially joined the ranks as a full-fledged dog owner. Congratulations! But now what? No doubt you're excited and looking forward to the prospect of a lifelong partnership with your new friend. But does your dog share the same level of enthusiasm right now? Whatever his past history, coming home with you is a brand new experience and he is likely to be feeling a little on the anxious side.

An important key to helping your new dog adjust to your home (and you) is being prepared and being patient. It can take anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of months for you and your pet to completely adjust to one another.

The following tips can aid in helping your new dog adjust and ensure a smooth transition:



Prepare for the items your dog will need in advance of his arrival. You'll need food and water bowls, food, toys, and a collar and leash. And, very importantly, remember to get ID tags as soon as possible.


If possible, plan to schedule the arrival of your new dog for a weekend or when you are able to be home for a few days. Spend quality time getting to know your pet (this is an important aspect of helping your new dog adjust to you and his surroundings), but also be mindful of other animals in your household that will expect to receive the time and attention they’ve become accustomed to.

The Routine.

Determine in advance what your dog care schedule looks like and who in the family will be assuming what responsibilities. The sooner a routine is implemented, the closer you’ll be to helping your new dog adjust to his environment and the way in which the household operates, and that’s a benefit to all concerned.

Home Sweet Home.

A pet crate may look to you like the canine counterpart of a jail cell, but to your dog, it's a room with a view – and it belongs to him. Of course, you won't want to confine him in the crate all day or he may very well feel like he’s being locked up. The pet crate should be spacious enough to allow your dog the ability to stand up, turn around, and sit comfortably.

Always a Friend.

Life with you is a new experience, so be patient while helping your new dog adjusts to his home. You'll soon discover that you've made a friend for life.