Read About Border Collies for Sale

ImageBorder Collies for Sale must be healthy and free from maladjustment troubles due to improper breeding. Here's everything you need to know about them.

Border Collies for Sale -- Reasons and Facts

  1. Why Buy:

    Buying ensures that you get a healthy breed without any temperament problems. Also breeders use purebreds for crossing and so you can be sure your pup is a purebred too.
  2. What Pet to Purchase:

    There are lots of factors to be taken into account before you purchase a border collie. All dogs do not suit your lifestyle and make sure border collies are the right breed for you. Family status and family size also influence the decision and hasty decisions always end up creating complications.
  3. When to Buy:

    The best time to buy a border collie is at a point in your family life when you are ready to spend time and take care of a pet that can live up to 15 years. Make sure you can accept the responsibilities of having a border collie in your house.

Border Collies for Sale -- Where to Look

  1. Online:

    There are so many resources online to find sellers and breeders of border collies. You could also find breed information and care advice.
  2. Classifieds:

    Classifieds in papers list all the local sources near your place.
  3. Pet Shows:

    Border Collies make best show pets and are always among the winners in the pet shows. You could meet all the winning breeders and other pet handlers there.
  4. Local Vet:

    Your local vet can help you locate some sources and could also help in examining the pup's health during the guarantee period after purchase.

Border Collies for Sale -- What to Look For

  1. Pet Temperament:

    ImageA border collie is an extremely intelligent dog. The pup must be naturally curious and ready to respond to your call. It must of a happy disposition and friendly with all his litter mates and any people that visit him.
  2. Pet's Surroundings:

    Observe the place the pup is raised in, for it will provide many clues as to the seller's intentions. A good place is one that is warm, dry, well lit and pollution free. Many good breeders provide lots of spaces for the pups to romp and play.
  3. Pet's Health:

    Collies are prone to hip dysplasia, eye troubles and PRA. Check your pup personally for any discolorations in the eye, abnormal gait and other unusual behavior. Ask for the medical history and make sure you get a 72 hour guarantee period so that you could have your pup examined by a vet during that time.
  4. What to Avoid:

    Do not buy from a breeder who cannot properly answer all your questions relating to the breed or if he is not willing to let you meet the litter's dam and sire. Such breeders are commercial minded who either lack the proper knowledge for healthy breeding or are hiding the fact that the parents are not purebreds.

Border Collies for Sale -- How to Choose

  1. Type of Pet:

    Realize that a Border Collie is highly intelligent and energetic pet. This type of pets demand constant activity and could turn very destructive if left on their own and consequently develop serious temperament troubles. If you are a kind of person who cannot spend lots of time with his pet then this type of pet is not for you.
  2. Supplies & Equipment:

    Collies need all the regular dog supplies. Toys would be added supplies and so is training equipment if you intend to show the dog.
  3. Expense:

    Border collies will cost around $500 - $700 without including the supply and maintenance costs. This breed will require daily grooming and exercise.