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Showing Your Dog

Showing your dog can run the gamut from participating in occasional local obedience competitions to competing in major dog shows. It can be a fun pastime or a very serious hobby. In the U.S., many dog shows are affiliated with the American Kennel Club (AKC). The American Kennel Club, or AKC, is a non-profit registry founded in 1884, to support the sport of purebred dogs. Showing your dog at AKC shows involves following a list of specific criteria.

Under the umbrella of the AKC, there are almost 5,000 dog clubs in the U.S. that share the interest of and love for purebred dogs, and hold events and educational programs. Many of these clubs hold dog shows throughout the year. The AKC holds conformation events for all recognized breeds, as well as specialty events such as agility competitions, Coondog events, lure coursing, herding trials, hunting tests, and more. Some of these competitions are held by the AKC itself, others by registered clubs affiliated with the AKC. More information on these events can be found on the AKC website at

Showing your dog at conformation events is what most people think of when they hear the phrase “dog shows.” These are shows in which the dogs are evaluated against the AKC breed standard for their breed. The standards include size, body type and shape, coat color, eye and often skin color, movement, and temperament of the dog, among other characteristics. All breed standards are detailed on the AKC website, at

If you are new to the idea of showing your dog, you may want to consider enlisting the help of a professional handler. AKC Professional Handlers are specifically qualified to handle dogs during AKC conformation events. All dogs must have a handler; this can be the breeder, owner, or other individual. Some contestants choose to rely on the expertise of an AKC Professional Handler, also known as an AKC Registered Handler. Some AKC Registered Handlers work with a variety of dog breeds, others only work with specific breeds. Before hiring a handler, it is important to observe a variety of handlers in show settings both in the ring and outside of it. Meet with handlers at their kennels, ask for references, and ask plenty of questions. Remember that you will be entrusting your show dog to this person, and it is important that he or she is someone with whom you and your dog will be comfortable.

Showing your dog can be an occasional hobby or a much more serious pursuit, depending on your level of interest and the abilities of your dog. Many people who show their dogs say that they have a much stronger bond with the animals through the experience of showing the dogs.

