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Most Popular Freshwater Fish

The most popular freshwater fish is the goldfish. There are many reasons why this is including their temperments and they are easy to care for. This is only the beginning, as you will see, contrary to some beliefs gold fish are really smart.

One reason that the goldfish is the most popular freshwater fish is that it is easy to care for. They can live in any condition including an unheated tank. Although this is true they prefer water between forty six and sixty four degrees farenheit. Also, above seventy seven degrees can be fatal to the most popular freshwater fish. Goldfish can get up to twenty three inches long and weigh up to ten pounds. Many times people think that goldfish do not live very long when in fact if they are given the right conditions they can live longer than twenty years. The record is forty nine years but the average is six to eight years. Things that cause goldfish life spans to be shortened are living in bowls and incorrect feeding. The most popular freshwater fish is often seen in a fish bowl. This is not ideal for them and causes problems because they are meant to grow bigger than the bowl will allow. If there will be other fish in the bowl the goldfish may be aggressive at first but will calm. There is a myth about goldfish that says they have a three second memory. In fact goldfish have been proven to learn their owners. When the owner comes to the fish tank the goldfish will get excited but when a stranger walks up it gets afraid and will hide. Some goldfish have even been taught to swim through mazes, push balls through hoops, and swim syncronized routines. These things make the goldfish the most popular freshwater fish.

So when you are looking for a freshwater fish and you start to think of the goldfish from the fair take a deeper look. These fish can be very interesting and a part of your family for a long time if given the chance. All it needs is the right conditions and loving owners. Remember although goldfish are normally seen in fish bowls this is not ideal for them to be part of the family for many years. This is a fish that can not be a decoration but also a family pet you can train. When choosing your new fish do not forget the most popular freshwater fish...the goldfish.
