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Horse Parasite Problems

Horse parasite problems are not a new problem for equines. Parasites in horses can cause colic and respiratory problems, and may even cause a horse to experience performance difficulties. The most parasites known to the equine family are pinworms, strongyles, and ascarids, though there are 150 species of parasites that have been identified. If left untreated, parasites can be deadly to horses, as they can eat away at an animal's internal organs. It is especially important to closely observe a young foal, as they are even more vulnerable to parasites than older horses. It is best to know the signs and symptoms to look for so that you can catch these disease mongers early.

If a horse rubs his tail on a fence, this is an obvious sign of pinworm. Horses that develop a scruffy coat or lose excessive weight likely have strongyles, or perhaps even a tapeworm. The danger, however, lies in the fact that sometimes a horse will appear perfectly healthy, without exhibiting any of the classic symptoms indicative of parasites. For this reason, it is important that you take additional precautionary measures beyond simply observing your horse's outward appearance. All horse parasite problems are very treatable, particularly if they are caught early in the horse's life. Therefore, a proactive approach is key.

The best defense against horse parasite problems is to periodically take fecal samples from your horse to your veterinarian for laboratory analysis. Also make sure to deworm your horse on a regular basis. Of the three methods used for deworming, it is important to note that you must be selective in which method you choose. Dewormers are composed of different chemicals, and you should select whichever method will be the most effective in treating the particular parasites by which your horse is afflicted. Horse parasite problems are not something that you can ever completely get rid of, but if you manage your horse properly and follow all of the necessary preventative measures, you can contain the infestation of parasites to a minimum and keep your horse healthy.

If laboratory analysis does prove that your horse parasite problems are severe, then it is imperative that you follow your veterinarian's treatment advice very carefully. Proper treatment and deworming your horse on a regular basis are just as important as providing your equine with fresh water and feed every day. If you follow these guidelines and pay close attention to your horse, then horse parasite problems will not plague you or your equine.
