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Choosing Horse Memorials

After your horse has passed, you're going to have to experience the difficult task of choosing horse memorials.

Why choose a memorial?

If you've experienced the loss of a horse you know that it's extremely tough. Whether your horse dies suddenly, gets sick or has to be put down, losing him is not fun. After you've experienced your stages of grief, you might want to think about choosing horse memorials. Horse memorials should not be confused with horse funerals or horse grave markings. A memorial is not a gravestone, it's a nice tribute to your horse. The memorial you choose should remind you of the good times you shared with your horse rather than the death of your horse.

Types of memorials

So what can you do to memorialize your horse? The nice thing about choosing horse memorials is that you can literally do anything you want. You could go all out and put a shrine to your horse in the middle of your living room. This is a little expansive and expensive and might start to irritate the other members of your family. More realistic and cost effective memorials include plaques, photos, scrap books, making a post, or creating a memorial Web site.

Most of the afore mentioned memorials are fairly self explanatory, so let's delve a little further into the more unique memorial choices. Making a post simply means decorating or branding a post on your property with something that reminds you of your horse. The purpose behind this memorial is that you'll be reminded of your horse every time you pass by it. Choosing horse memorials that include this type of decoration should be done only if you own the property.

Another off-beat more high tech way of choosing horse memorials is building a memorial Web site. There actually are Web sites that are dedicated to people who have lost their horses. Sometimes these Web sites will let you link your memorial Web site to the actual site so other people who are mourning the loss of a horse can share your experience. These Web sites can be very helpful because they often offer advice and support while you grieve the loss of your horse.

Where can I find a horse memorial?

You can find specific memorials that are designed for horses on the Internet. You can also go to sporting good stores and memorabilia stores and ask them to make you a plaque that represents your horse. Choosing horse memorials is a healthy way to remind you of your lost friend.

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