Read About Choosing Dog Supplements

Vitamins and supplements formulated for dogs provide added nutrition, just like vitamins and supplements formulated for humans help us.

Things to consider: Supplements for healthy skin, supplements for strong muscles and bones, and how to get your dog to take supplements.

  • Good for the Skin - Vitamins and supplements with natural fatty acids like salmon oil and cod liver oil and flaxseed oil can help you prevent your dog from developing painful skin conditions and subvert the need for more expensive dog medicines later.

  • Take Your Vitamins - To get your dog to take her vitamins and supplements without a daily struggle, place it inside a wad of her food, or in some scrambled egg or a small piece of cheese and then, before you feed it to her, get her to do a trick -- sit, lay down, it doesn't matter, whatever you two are working on at the moment. That way, she will perceive the thing in your hand as a reward -- a treat -- rather than as dog medicines wrapped up in her food (which she knew it was just a moment ago but has since forgotten in all the excitement).

  • Focus on Bones & Muscles - To help your dog's bones and muscles stay healthy and strong, make sure there are Glucosamine, Manganese, and Calcium in his vitamins and supplements.