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Signs Your Pet is in Heat

Signs your pet is in heat may vary depending on what type of pet you have. For cats, the first signs your pet is in heat will be the display of affection. When you are petting your cat, she may raise her hind end in the air. A couple of days after this, she may begin yowling. This terrifying sound can last around the clock for days. The next signs your pet is in heat might be excessive purring when you pet your cat. She also might begin to roll around on the floor. The final signs your pet is in heat will be marching with her back legs when you pet her. Once this process begins, she is in full-blown heat and will begin accepting males, if she has not been altered. During the time of heat, it will be important for you to keep her away from doors, windows, and unaltered male cats. Even if your cat is normally docile, she will make every attempt to escape so that she can mate.

For dogs, the signs include vaginal discharge that is clear, bleeding and swelling of the vulva, and increased restlessness. There also may be increased urination during this time. This is the early period of heat, and generally lasts from four to fifteen days, depending on the size and breed of your dog. The next stage lasts from four to eight days, and the signs include discharge stopping and ovulation. If you have not already had your dog spayed by this time, it is still possible to have it done during this stage. The next stage lasts from six to ten weeks, and if a dog has not become pregnant, she will experience a false pregnancy, which is quite a miserable experience for her. This will be followed by the last stage, which lasts for fifteen weeks.

For more in depth information about signs your pet is in heat, you should consult with your veterinarian for complete details. In addition, you might also want to conduct a bit of research on the Internet so that you can better educate yourself about what to look for, as well as the consequences for your pet. Unless you are a professional breeder, it is highly recommended that you spay or neuter your pets so that they do not have to go through these rituals. Unwanted animals are an increasing problem within our society, and it is best to take a proactive and responsible approach towards these matters. If you are looking for more information about signs your pet is in heat, please consult professional care givers for the best and most reliable information.

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