Read About Find a Pet

Find a Pet to adopt and love and give the deserving animal a real chance to live under proper shelter. Here's everything you need to know about adoption.

Find a Pet -- Reasons and Facts

  1. Why Adopt:

    By adopting you are giving an abandoned animal a home and love.
  2. What Pet to Adopt:

    All pets do not suit every kind of life, and your lifestyle, family expectations, living conditions and your willingness to take proper care of the pet must all be taken into consideration before you decide to adopt a pet.
  3. When to Adopt:

    Anytime is great to adopt. It's better to make sure your new pet comes home when you have a few days of peace and quiet in the house. The new pet should have time to get to know you and its new house.

Find a Pet -- Where to Look

  1. Online:

    Most adoption homes and rescue groups have an online presence and you can check out the pet availability, adoption procedure and other required information.
  2. Classifieds:

    Local classifieds often carry ads and appeals from rescue homes and adoption organizations.
  3. Pet Shows:

    Pet shows are not of much help for adoption sources.
  4. Local Vet:

    The local vet is often a good source for finding a pet to adopt. Check to see if they have a bulletin board that has adoption postings on it.

Find a Pet -- What to Look For

  1. Pet Temperament:

    Some pets at adoption homes suffer from behavior problems because of the shock of abandonment or due to ill treatment they receive before being rescued. You should always interact with the pet to see if he feels comfortable with you before you decide to adopt him.
  2. Pet's Surroundings:

    Warm, dry and hygienic conditions must prevail at the adoption home you are visiting. These are the signs of passionate pet rescue groups but some lack of amenities could be due to scarcity of funds and supporters.
  3. Pet's Health:

    Some pets are abandoned because of injuries they sustain or congenital disorders they are born with. Most pets are cured of health issues before they are put up for adoption. Make sure you check the pet's health and vaccination history before you decide to adopt.
  4. What to Avoid:

    Do not make last minute decisions. The pet you want to adopt will turn up sooner or later, so don't change your choice of pet at the adoption home. Come back home and take a day's time to make sure you really want to change your decision. Discuss your decision with your family, it often helps.

Find a Pet -- How to Choose

  1. Type of Pet:

    There are various breeds of pets you can adopt and every breed has a different living requirement and temperament. Choose those pets that you feel can live comfortably with your own lifestyle and living conditions without any major changes. Also think about the immediate and future expenses that may crop up.
  2. Supplies & Equipment:

    All regular pet care needs must be supplied and the demand varies with pet to pet.
  3. Expense:

    Adoption is cheaper than buying but the needs and supply expenses remain the same. Take into account any health related expenses that may crop up in the future.