Read About Pet Adoption

If you’re looking for a dog or cat, Pet Adoption might be the way to go. Here’s everything you need to know about the subject.

Opening Your Heart to Pet Adoption

Many animal lovers prefer to adopt older dogs and cats that need a good home, rather than buying a brand-new puppy. This can be a great way to have an animal companion without the hassle and headache of training a puppy from scratch. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Make sure the adoptable animal has had a recent checkup. Because some of the animals are coming from traumatic or unknown pasts, it’s important to rule out any major diseases or medical conditions that could limit your pet’s life or personality.

  • If you’re looking for a particular breed of dog or cat, look for a breed rescue organization. Love Shelties or Bichon Frises? Most breeds of dog and cat have rescue organizations dedicated to saving these animals from a life of deplorable conditions. Check online or in your Yellow Pages to see if there’s a rescue organization near you. Most rescues have stringent screening policies for prospective adoptees, but it’s worth it to give these animals a good home.

  • Consider adopting a senior citizen. There are many older dogs who need good homes, but because they’re at the end of their lives, they’re very hard to place with families who want a long-term companion. If you have a lot of love to give, consider bringing home a senior. While she may only be with you for a couple years, you could be the person that brings to her final years the love and care that she’s always deserved.