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Best Small Pet Breeds for Apartments

Some of the best small pet breeds for apartments are rats, gerbils, and hedgehogs. Apartment living usually requires animals that do not require too much space and do not generate too much odor. Animals that are sociable or at least fun to watch are often among the best small pet breeds for apartments; an added bonus is if they can be litter trained.

Rats are affectionate and intelligent animals. They are among the best small pet breeds for apartments because they do not require extensive setups. Pet rats do well in wire cages with solid bottoms. Since they are social animals that get along well and live most happily in same-sex pairs, make sure there is sufficient room in the cage for the rats to move about and play. Rats like to climb, so tall enclosures are best. This is another reason they are one of the best small pet breeds for apartments: their cage need not take up a large amount of horizontal space, since they enjoy some vertical room as well. Cages with horizontal bars help them make the most of their tall space. Rats also enjoy toys like ladders, tubes or tunnels, and a wheel.

Gerbils are small furry members of the rodent family, usually measuring around 4 inches in length. Their small size contributes to their ranking as one of the best small pet breeds for apartments. Gerbils are curious and social animals who do not like to live alone; in the wild the usually live in colonies. For that reason, it is often best to keep a pair of same-sex gerbils together. Since they are small in size, though, a pair of gerbils can be kept in a relatively small space. The most common type of gerbil kept as a pet is the Mongolian gerbil. Gerbils should be kept in a tank or aquarium with a secure wire lid. This is preferable to a cage, since gerbils like to dig and will often kick all of their substrate out of the cage while digging. This enclosed environment is another reason they are one of the best small pet breeds for apartments.

Although this may come as a surprise to some people, hedgehogs are one of the best small pet breeds for apartments. Most hedgehogs kept as pets are African Hedgehogs, which grow to around six inches in length and weigh only around one pound. Hedgehogs are covered with modified hairs, called quills, on their backs and necks. Because of these quills in place of a typical coat, hedgehogs are virtually odorless. This is one of the reasons they are considered one of the best small pet breeds for apartments. They can also be litter trained, which reduces any odor from their waste and makes cleanup easier, another plus as one of the best small pet breeds for apartments. One of the drawbacks of hedgehogs is that they require a cage that is at least 24" x 24" and larger cages are even better. If your apartment space allows, hedgehogs are easily tamed and can be very interesting pets.
