Comfort Zone with Feliway Refill
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Effectively ends urine marking and inappropriate scratching Room-wide protection helps stop your cats stress-induced behaviors Feliway also comforts cats in stressful or new environments Feliway Comfort Zone Plug-In provides your cat all-day calming therapy for up to four weeks. It diffuses a natural substance, odorless to humans, that mimics a cat's facial pheromones to calm cats in stressful environments. You've seen your cat contently rub her face on the furniture, corners of the room, bottom of curtains - and even you. She's marking her surroundings with special facial pheromones. These pheromones reassure her that all is well in her little world.However, if something stressful disturbs your cat's environment such as a new pet, visitors, moving to a new home, or even rearranging the furniture, she may begin urine marking, scratching, or may even stop eating and interacting.Used where the cat spends most of her time, Comfort Zone with Feliway will soon calm and reassure her once again, greatly reducing or completely stopping the stress-related behavior. Simply add Feliway liquid and plug into electrical outlet.Feliway is perfect anytime your cat must adjust to a different situation. Odorless and nontoxic to humans; for rooms up to 650 sq ft. Contains one plug-in and one 48 ml bottle of Feliway.For targeted areas, try Feliway Spray.Please click on "More Information" for directions for use.
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Weight | 0.0000 |