AvoDerm Natural Original Formula Canned Dog Food 12/13.2-oz cans

AvoDerm Natural Original Formula Canned Dog Food 12/13.2-oz cans

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Avoderm Natural Original Formula contains high levels of mega 6 and 3 fatty acids for a healthy skin and coat. Many of the nutrients your dog needs for a healthy skin and coat can be found in the remarkable fruit known as the avocado. Nutrient rich avocados contain vitamins A, E and C in abundance. They're also an excellent source of balanced nutritional essentials for your dog's skin and coat health-and good health in general. Avocados are high in folate, potassium, niacin, essential fatty acids, and many other nutrients. They have no cholesterol, very little sodium, and are high in monosaturated fats. Ounce for ounce, the avocado is simply one of the most nutritious fruits there is.

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