Quickbayt Fly Bait Trays

Quickbayt Fly Bait Trays


For the control of nuisance flies in and around livestock facilities stables and poultry facilities. do not apply inside food processing plants restaurants or other commercial facilities. harmful to humans and pets. read precautions carefully.

Product Details
Put strips where animals can't reach. one strip for every 250 square feet. place in many locations. avoid cool windy conditions. flies prefer warm motionless areas for resting. time applications with start of season. replace every eight weeks.
Active ingredient: imidacloprid; 1-{(6-chloro-3-pyridinyl)methyl}-n nitro-2-imidazolidinimine 0.5%. muscalare; z-9-tricosene 0.10%. other ingredients: 99.40%.

Additional Information

UPC 724089026293
Weight 0.3400