Shop for Fish Health Care
Stress ease provides essential vitamins and electrolytes necessary to combat stress stabilize metabolism and replenish bodily fluids in newly acquired reptiles and amphibians.
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8 ounces
Liquid form/ mixes easily with drinking water -
Fish Medication
Fish Medication
Stop Parasites 8 oz
All-natural parasite treatment for fish and reef aquariumsCopper-free formula will not harm internal organs of fishSafe for all aquarium inhabitants, including reef invertebratesStop Parasites' natural ingredients remove all types of parasites, including saltwater Ich. Completely safe for all fish, invertebrates, and corals and does not harm the fish's liver as does copper. This organic solution is 99 percent effective in fresh and saltwater aquariums. Stop Parasites works by first enhancing the slime coat on fish, which will remove all parasites. Then it uses another additive, which the parasites attach themselves to as a false host, and the parasites are then naturally removed through your protein skimmer or mechanical filtration. Another agent in the product works to speed up appetite and build the immune system. 8 oz treats 30 to 55 gallons and 16 oz treats 75 to 100 gallons for a 5-day treatment period.Please click on "More Information" for directions for use, maintenance, storage, and more. -
Stop Parasites 16 oz
All-natural parasite treatment for fish and reef aquariumsCopper-free formula will not harm internal organs of fishSafe for all aquarium inhabitants, including reef invertebratesStop Parasites' natural ingredients remove all types of parasites, including saltwater Ich. Completely safe for all fish, invertebrates, and corals and does not harm the fish's liver as does copper. This organic solution is 99 percent effective in fresh and saltwater aquariums. Stop Parasites works by first enhancing the slime coat on fish, which will remove all parasites. Then it uses another additive, which the parasites attach themselves to as a false host, and the parasites are then naturally removed through your protein skimmer or mechanical filtration. Another agent in the product works to speed up appetite and build the immune system. 8 oz treats 30 to 55 gallons and 16 oz treats 75 to 100 gallons for a 5-day treatment period.Please click on "More Information" for directions for use, maintenance, storage, and more. -
All Natural Organic Neptune's Harvest Seaweed Fertilizer -
Seachem Stress Guard
A premium slime coat protection product that reduces stress and ammonia toxicity whenever handling or transporting fish. -
Savory Knotted Peanut Butter-Flavored Rawhide Bone (7-8 In)
Non stain peanut butter flavored rawhide that cleans teeth and exercises gums. oven dried to perfection.
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Rawhide -
Savory Knotted Peanut Butter Flavored Rawhide Bone (4-5 In)
Rawhide chews are the all natrual chew you dog is sure to love. hand crafted from the finest free range rawhide and oven dried to perfection. now they're flavor enhanced with a colorless carpet safe basting to deliver great taste without the staining
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Rawhide -
Rid-Ich+ 16 oz
Get your printable 2.00 rebate coupon hereCombination fish medication for effective treatment against IchControls a wide range of external protozoan and fungal diseasesSafer than other medications for scaleless aquarium fishCombination fish medication with two powerful ingredients for effective treatment against Ich. Safer than other medications for scaleless fishes as well as catfish and tetras. Controls Ich and a wide range of external freshwater protozoan diseases including white spot disease, Costia, Trichodina, Chilodonella, as well as, saltwater external parasites such as Cryptocaryon and Amyloodinium. Also treats fungal infections in fishes. Contains formaldehyde and a zinc-free chloride salt of malachite green. For use in aerated fresh and saltwater aquariums. Not recommended for use in aquariums containing invertebrates (Mormyrids and freshwater stingrays may also be adversely affected by Rid?Ich+). 4 oz doses 240 gallons. 16 oz doses 960 gallons. Sorry, not available in California.Please click on "More Information" for directions for use.