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Caring For a Disabled Dog

Caring for a disabled dog is a special task. It requires, love, attention, patience and dedication. People who take in disabled animals are a special breed altogether, not to mention they have huge hearts. There are some people who seek the adoption of disabled dogs to make sure they have great homes and then there are those whose pets become injured or disabled some way. Either way, a person who commits themselves to caring for a disabled dog is a great person.

Sometimes a disabled animal becomes this way as a result of an unfortunate accident, old age or they are born this way. There are all sorts of differing degrees of disability. Some animals are maimed, paralyzed, blind, suffer from bone degeneration, deafness etc. Whatever the handicap; you are going to need a little help while helping your best friend.

The first person or place to consult when caring for a disabled dog, is your vet. Your vet can assess the animal and point you in the direction of all the things you will need. Caring for a disabled dog may require the purchase of certain things. There are diapers, harnesses, canine wheelchair, pet beds for incontinent dogs, and braces of all shapes and sizes.

It would also help for you to do a little exploratory research for yourself into your dog’s injury or diagnosis. It always helps to have a firm grasp on what exactly is going on. Caring for a disabled dog will require you to increase you knowledge on their disease or injury. This will make it easier on you and your dog.

Now that you have had your dog examined by a vet, put him on the proper medications and purchased all the equipment necessary to keep him comfortable, you can begin caring for a disabled dog. This means doing all that you can to help him progress or at least feel relaxed and in happy with the situation he is in. A regular trip to the vet is also a good idea. If he has medications, make sure he is taking the correct amount at the precise time of day.

Have a handicapped pet is hard work but I am guessing that if you are reading this, then you are up for the job. Remember, these pets have feelings and needs just like you. They don’t deserve to be euthanized or cast away because they are handicapped. Caring for a disabled dog can be a wonderful and enriching experience so embrace it.
