Signs of dog skin problems can include itching, flaking skin, and hair loss. Although covered with fur, dogs tend to have sensitive skin. In some cases, that can mean it takes very little to irritate your dog’s skin. While most dogs suffer from some irritation at some point, many dogs rarely experience very serious skin problems.
Itching is a common sign of dog skin problems can be caused by a number of reasons. A common cause for itching is infestation with fleas, ticks, lice, or another parasite. Many dogs have an allergic reaction to the saliva of fleas, and flea bites become even more of a skin irritation for these dogs. Examine your dog’s fur closely for signs your dog has fleas. Fleas are very small, so they can be hard to detect. They also prefer dark hiding places, so you may be more likely to see signs your dog has fleas deep within his fur or on his belly and the insides of his legs. Aside from seeing the fleas themselves, seeing “flea dirt” is a sign your dog has fleas. “Flea dirt” is the waste left behind from fleas, and looks a lot like tiny flecks on black pepper on your dog’s skin. Since part of this waste is made up of dried blood, if you place a few flecks of it on a damp paper towel it will likely spread out into a small blood stain after a few minutes. “Flea dirt” is a sure sign your dog has fleas.
Itching can also be a sign of an allergic reaction to something. Dogs suffering from irritant contact dermatitis, an allergy to something with which they have come into contact, often scratch the affected area. Another sign of this dog skin problem is the development of red bumps or lesions on the skin around the contact area.
Like humans, dogs can develop dry skin. Flaky skin surfaces and a dull coat can be signs of dog skin problems. This can be more of an issue during the winter months, when dogs are indoors more and subjected to the dry air that results from heating systems in homes. Nutritional problems can also result in dry and flaky skin in your dog. Dogs that do not get enough fatty acids in their food can be prone to developing dry skin.
Hair loss, a sign of dog skin problems, can result from excessive scratching or from an infection that is causing the hair to fall out on its own. Hair that is falling out on its own could be a sign of dog skin problems such as a fungal or bacterial infections.
Common signs of dog skin problems can include scratching, flaking skins, lesions, and hair loss. Dogs can have very sensitive skin and a variety of issues can cause dog skin problems. Finding and correcting the underlying cause will keep your dog happier and healthier.