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Dog Car Restraints

Why Your Dog Needs a Seat Belt:

Why would we insist upon strapping ourselves and our children into a vehicle and not a dog? Isn't the dog just as vulnerable to injury in a car crash? It makes sense to strap your dog into the car to ensure his safety.

While canine car restraints are a relatively new phenomenon, they are becoming increasingly popular. Not only will they keep the dog safe, they will also protect the wellbeing of anyone else in the car who could be injured by an unrestrained dog being ejected from his seat in a crash.

Another reason for restraining your dog is to cut down on driver distraction. When your dog is hopping from the front seat to the back seat vying for your attention, it is nearly impossible for you to watch the road. If he is restrained by a seat belt, the likelihood of getting distracted is greatly minimized.

A restraint will also prevent your dog from jumping out of the car. It is not uncommon for a dog to jump out the window of a slow moving vehicle when spotting another dog. A restraint will also allow you to load things into the car without worrying about shutting the doors every time you turn your back on the dog.

Some experts recommend car restraints to prevent a dog from getting car sick. While most dogs are not susceptible to car sickness, the advantages of restraining the dog on bumpy roads or in stop-and-go traffic is undeniable.

Which Dog Car Restraint to Buy

There are several types of Dog Car Restraints on the market. Take into consideration the size and weight of your dog when choosing the right restraint. You want the straps to fit snugly without being uncomfortable. Many of these restraints can simply be unclipped from the car and attached to a leash.

Is it Required?

While most seat belt safety efforts are focused on people, awareness is growing of the need for Dog Car Restraints. The state of California is leading the charge in passing laws to require canine restraints in cars. Several other areas have followed by passing such laws.

In the same way you would strap your children into a vehicle, restrain your dog. Provide him the safety he deserves while simultaneously protecting your family.
