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Lethargic Fish

Lethargic fish can confuse even the most savvy aquarium enthusiast. With a little know how this problem can be easily resolved.

First, have on hand when you start your setup, a good quality aquarium guide. Anything that can walk you through the beginning phases is a good idea. You will then have a resource at your fingertips which will help you figure out the many puzzles you could face as an aquarium owner.

Beginning with the simplest fix, look at your tank’s heater as soon as you notice your fish are lethargic. Inactivity can stem from a variety of sources. If your water is too warm (and sometimes too cold), it can cause your fish to stop doing just about everything. Instinct kicks in with fish when their environment is not ideal. Adjust your heater’s setting and see what happens.

How much food are you feeding your fish and how often? If you are overfeeding your fish, they will usually stop eating. Excess food in a tank can cause the chemical balance to go crazy, so watch how much you feed. If you aren’t feeding them enough, your fish may show symptoms of laziness. This is the first step of their starvation. Consider feeding them more by increasing the amount you feed slightly at each feeding until they begin to act normally.

If you are confident that temperature and feeding are not the source of your sleepy fish, check the water in the tank. When you are building your setup, purchase a water testing kit. Having one on hand is always a good idea, especially when you have a problem. If you do not have a test kit, you can take a sample of your water to your pet store and ask them to do it for you. Many pet stores will test tank water for their regular customers. Your pH may be too high or too low.

If, after you test your water, you are still confused by the lack of behavior from your fish, find a veterinarian who specializes in aquatic animals. They will be able to run tests on the water to search for parasites and the presence of microbial infections.

There are a variety of medicines and treatments available to keep your aquarium and your fish in good order. Being knowledgeable and having resources on hand will help you provide your fish the best possible environment. Lethargic fish can be a signal to many problems, but you can handle it if you educate yourself.
